User Guide - Tracking

At the completion of each intervention session, users can access the Tracking function. The Comments link of the Tracking function allows the user to record the time of sessions, how effectively parents followed through with intervention content from the previous session, the effectiveness of the session, as well as ratings of the child’s pivotal behavior objectives both for current and previous intervention sessions. Users are also provided a section for recording comments and notes related to client concerns or to the intervention session. This information is automatically integrated to the RT Tracking Report.

The RT Tracking Report link allows users to develop a Tracking Report for all intervention sessions that addressed selected pivotal behavior objectives over periods of time designated by the user. This report records the dates that various levels of session plans were implemented, ratings of the child’s pivotal behavior that were conducted during these sessions, as well as ratings of session effectiveness.

This report provides a record of intervention session plans that have been implemented with a client, as well as ratings of the effectiveness of each of these sessions. It also tracks the child’s progress across sessions in acquiring his/her pivotal behavior intervention objective. This information can be used to plan subsequent sessions that the user will implement with the client.
© 2019 by Gerald Mahoney